It's tax season, so in today's episode, Ken will dive into the tax world. He talks about the tax structure and what to do when you have high rates of tax revenue. Stay tuned and listen to Ken's insights!

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help people become financially independent and help them earn better yields with less risk by investing Off Wall Street.

Links and Resources from this Episode For resources and additional information on this episode go to  Connect with Ken Greene  Office 775-624-8839

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Show Notes It is officially tax season - 1:40 Paying income taxes -1:53 What if we create a tax structure? - 1:58 Creating an incentive for the economy in the US - 2:10 How can you lower your taxes for 2019? - 2:19 How can we create more income for ourselves and pay fewer taxes? - 3:22 Qualified plans - 3:52 What are tax-deferred vehicles? - 4:05 Reducing your taxes today - 5:50 To save in taxes, put your money in qualified plans - 7:06 Some vehicles to reduce your taxes - 8:14 A very clever strategy to think about - 10:33 Some other strategies outside of qualified plans - 11:24 Real estate as a powerful tool - 12:03 Thinking on your company structure - 13:14 Your company and paying taxes - 15:34 Another awesome strategy to reduce your taxes - 16:24 A strategy that is going to grow income-tax-free - 16:55 More on vehicles to reduce your taxes - 20:36 Take advantage of having an awesome income year - 21:21

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