Why are establishments and restaurants looking to hire more people even after the pandemic scare? What are the possible reasons why we still see “Help Wanted” signs?

In today’s episode, Ken tries to figure out why several businesses, even his favorite Mexican restaurant, are still looking for more people to join their business. Is it because the workforce finally found a better source of income? He answers several questions such as “What’s going on?” and “Where’s the disconnect?”

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help people become financially independent and help them earn better yields with less risk by investing Off Wall Street.

Links and Resources from this Episode

DISCLAIMER For resources and additional information of this episode go to http://engineeroffinance.com Connect with Ken Greene http://engineeroffinance.com Office 775-624-8839 https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-greene https://business.facebook.com/GreeneFinance 

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Show Notes

Possible reasons why there are still a lot of “Help Wanted” signs. - 1:29 What it does for Ken by being out and creating and doing. - 2:17 Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The opportunity for the world to turn again. - 3:07 What’s going on? Where’s the disconnect? - 7:20 What’s our number one investment? - 8:33

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