Once you have a bankasaurus you can finance everything yourself without ever having to answer to a bank again. In this episode Ken and Tammi talk about how banks operate and why their practice of fractional banking is completely different than how whole life insurance companies work.


Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help other people create a “Piggy Bank On Steroids,” and earn better yields with less risk by investing Off Wall Street.


Links and Resources from this Episode

For resources and additional information of this episode go to http://engineeroffinance.com Connect with Ken Greene http://engineeroffinance.com Office 775-624-8839 https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-greene https://business.facebook.com/GreeneFinance


Show Notes

Why Ken is often the voice of contrarians - 1:53 What banks are doing with “the spread” - 4:33 How banks practice fractional banking and leverage additional money - 6:28 What happened to banks during the 2008 downturn - 9:35 How to protect yourself from a financial collapse - 12:25 Understanding dividend whole life insurance - 14:41 The struggles to go through to get a mortgage - 17:25 Playing the game to create more cash flow - 20:16 Once you have a bankasaurus you’ll never have to answer to anyone again - 24:06


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