Our guest today, Braden Olsen, is changing the atmosphere of his college campus in Florida. He, along with other believers, work to spread the Gospel of Jesus and to disciple people in their community. He hopes to see many students across campus come to know Jesus.

With boldness and determination, Braden seeks to share the Gospel to as many people as possible. He has already planted a church on his campus, which they call “Dorm Church.” In the interview, he emphasizes the importance of reading the Bible and being obedient to God in all things. Through this humble submission to God, Braden has seen students receive the salvation God gives.

What we talked about00:24 – Episode summary01:58 – Introduction02:30 – What do you do now?03:09 – How did you get started in ministry?04:22 – A time of growing05:34 – Potential pushback
I’m just trying to kind of base my ministry off what the Bible says and try to learn from other people who I believe are following what the Bible says too.06:25 – Meaningful verse
Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. – Matthew 6, v. 3307:15 – What has God been revealing to you?07:56 – Stepping out in faith09:24 – Contributing to the Kingdom10:21 – Foundational Missions Leadership Moment11:18 – What led you to Dorm Church?13:42 – Ways to step into simple obedience15:45 – What fuels your passion?18:07 – Not carrying the weight of the world19:08 – What you wish you had known20:35 – Learning from experience21:29 – Next week on Engaging Missions22:57 – Building relationships across campus25:11 – Where you are matters26:12 – Internet and book resources26:41 – How can we best pray for you?27:37 – How can people partner with you?28:09 – A challenge for the coming days29:30 – Stories from Mongolia32:47 – Reaching Muslims
Resources & Contact InfoThe Four Fields of Kingdom Growth by Nathan ShankWebsiteEmail:[email protected]772-631-7705
Other ResourcesGlobal Initiative ResourcesFundraiser for Global InitiativeGet the audio recording of “There's a Sheep in My Bathtub” for free! (qualifying purchases benefit Engaging Missions)

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Mentioned in this episode:

Consider Partnering with Megavoice Audio...

Our guest today, Braden Olsen, is changing the atmosphere of his college campus in Florida. He, along with other believers, work to spread the Gospel of Jesus and to disciple people in their community. He hopes to see many students across campus come to know Jesus.

With boldness and determination, Braden seeks to share the Gospel to as many people as possible. He has already planted a church on his campus, which they call “Dorm Church.” In the interview, he emphasizes the importance of reading the Bible and being obedient to God in all things. Through this humble submission to God, Braden has seen students receive the salvation God gives.

What we talked about00:24 – Episode summary01:58 – Introduction02:30 – What do you do now?03:09 – How did you get started in ministry?04:22 – A time of growing05:34 – Potential pushback
I’m just trying to kind of base my ministry off what the Bible says and try to learn from other people who I believe are following what the Bible says too.06:25 – Meaningful verse
Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. – Matthew 6, v. 3307:15 – What has God been revealing to you?07:56 – Stepping out in faith09:24 – Contributing to the Kingdom10:21 – Foundational Missions Leadership Moment11:18 – What led you to Dorm Church?13:42 – Ways to step into simple obedience15:45 – What fuels your passion?18:07 – Not carrying the weight of the world19:08 – What you wish you had known20:35 – Learning from experience21:29 – Next week on Engaging Missions22:57 – Building relationships across campus25:11 – Where you are matters26:12 – Internet and book resources26:41 – How can we best pray for you?27:37 – How can people partner with you?28:09 – A challenge for the coming days29:30 – Stories from Mongolia32:47 – Reaching Muslims
Resources & Contact InfoThe Four Fields of Kingdom Growth by Nathan ShankWebsiteEmail:[email protected]772-631-7705
Other ResourcesGlobal Initiative ResourcesFundraiser for Global InitiativeGet the audio recording of “There's a Sheep in My Bathtub” for free! (qualifying purchases benefit Engaging Missions)

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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Consider Partnering with Megavoice Audio Bibiles

Megavoice provides solar-powered audio Bibles to make the Good News accessible to all. Please take a moment to see what they're doing and consider whether they might be a good fit for your giving.

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