EYP Podcast Recording - Skill Vs Value

·        Welcome – Tony n Sarah Ep. 10 

·        Last week – Relationships 

·        Feedback Thank you to listeners 

·        Skill Vs. Value or EDU vs. Training 

o   It’s not always the best dancer that gets the job because the biggest talent doesn’t always bring the biggest value

o   Reliability – Respect – Teamwork over Talent

·        David’s Audition in Vegas

o   David who didn’t have a lot of dance training went to an audition anyway and was one of the final 6.  He didn’t book the job he was auditioning for; The casting director did not cast him on the advice of someone else who wanted to cast him for another project. “You have the FIRE”

o   You never know who’s WATCHING

·        What Sarah looks for in an audition: 

o   Can you follow along, are you catching on quickly, what is your work ethic? 

o   One of the best things a struggling dancer can do is approach the casting director and ASK what I need to work on

o   DON’T BE ALL TALK – after you ask what you need to work on FOLLOW THROUGH. What are you doing to prove your work ethic? 

o   Show respect for all your classmates, teachers, etc. 

·        Confidence vs. Conceited 

o   Conceited – When your ego is bigger than the room – has a tendency to be all about them

o   Confidence – Is looking at a project and knowing what you bring to the table and how that brings VALUE to a project 

·        How to tell the Difference 

o   Conceit – comes to an audition comparing themselves to everyone else; “oh she can only do a double, I can do a quad” 

o   Confidence – comes to an audition focused on themselves and what they bring to the table 

o   Auditions are your commercial – not only a display of skill but also what it’s like to work with you. 

·        How do you find the value that you bring? 

o   Follow up 

o   Do your research – are the TYPE for the cast you’re auditioning for.

o   Are you easy to work with? 

o   Is your parent easy to work with?

o   Consistency is KEY

·        Tony says “A one-person show is NOT REALLY a one-person show”

·        Audition Coming up – NOT THE NUTCRACKER

·        Sarah Talks about being a casting director

o   Your reputation is very important! Even if you have the skill, if you are hard to work with people will talk and you may lose out on work. 

o   How you handle yourself in the room speaks volumes 

o   Take ownership of whatever role is being presented to you 

·        Sarah calls herself intimidating and Tony brags on her for a bit – all this to say know who your auditioning for 

·        Skill Vs. Value Summary 

o   Build your skill 

o   Take masterclasses 

o   Network 

o   Know your why! – your WHY gives you your WHAT and your WHAT gives you your HOW.

o   You why Provides your Passion

o   Skill and Value are both important – Skill will get you in the room, but Value is what will keep you there. 

o   Look outside of you ego for what value you bring to a project 

·        Feedback from the listener

o   How do you bring value to any project (arts related or not)

o   How do you actively bring value?  - There was no description on the difference be