My guest today is the awesome Michael Stelzner - founder of Social Media Examiner, author of the books Launch and Writing White Papers, and the man behind Social Media Marketing World–the industry’s largest conference. Which as regular listeners of this show know - I attended earlier this year.

He’s also host of the Social Media Marketing podcast, founder of the Social Media Marketing Society, and a massive proponent of the power of video in today’s social media landscape.

I really wanted to bring Mike on the show today as I have so much respect for what he and his team and contributers at Social Media Examiner provide our industry. 

They seriously do have their finger on the pulse of what’s happening right now online, and when you’ve got industry leaders like Mr Stelzner willing to come on the show and share some insight for you guys then I’ll jump at the chance… and here we are.

So, big show today...

We’ll hear Mike’s insights into why he feels that social media marketing today should be all about video, video, video

We’ll take a look at some of the findings of the recent 2019 Social Media Industry Report and what this means for video marketers across the board.

Mike shares which video platform he feels is dominating and where our focus needs to be firmly placed when it comes to video,

And finally - you will absolutely want to stick around to the end as Mike reveals some big changes that are coming to Social Media Examiner as they pull the plug on some things they’ve been investing in for years and double down on others … and as video marketers I know you’re going to love their new direction…

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My guest today is the awesome Michael Stelzner - founder of Social Media Examiner, author of the books Launch and Writing White Papers, and the man behind Social Media Marketing World–the industry’s largest conference. Which as regular listeners of this show know - I attended earlier this year.

He’s also host of the Social Media Marketing podcast, founder of the Social Media Marketing Society, and a massive proponent of the power of video in today’s social media landscape.

I really wanted to bring Mike on the show today as I have so much respect for what he and his team and contributers at Social Media Examiner provide our industry. 

They seriously do have their finger on the pulse of what’s happening right now online, and when you’ve got industry leaders like Mr Stelzner willing to come on the show and share some insight for you guys then I’ll jump at the chance… and here we are.

So, big show today...

We’ll hear Mike’s insights into why he feels that social media marketing today should be all about video, video, video

We’ll take a look at some of the findings of the recent 2019 Social Media Industry Report and what this means for video marketers across the board.

Mike shares which video platform he feels is dominating and where our focus needs to be firmly placed when it comes to video,

And finally - you will absolutely want to stick around to the end as Mike reveals some big changes that are coming to Social Media Examiner as they pull the plug on some things they’ve been investing in for years and double down on others … and as video marketers I know you’re going to love their new direction…