In Episode 88 of the Engage Video Marketing Podcast, we chat with Simon Banks - author, video producer, owner & founder of Tallboy Communications - to talk about how to get video right. Video can be so overwhelming for many businesses today and many find it easier to not take action or take the wrong action. This then leads to failure in their video’s return on investment.

Simon has over 30 years of experience with the media industry. He has run Tallboy Communications in London, UK for 15 years. They have successfully built their company to become an award-winning corporate video communication agency, delivering thousands of high-quality video for many companies.

In this episode we cover: What led Simon to the world of video and video strategy. The biggest confusion or struggle that businesses go through today regarding starting to use and spending on video. How he approaches conversations with clients to help them overcome thoughts about return on investment for videos. How the shift of providing creative output to providing more for clients has changed the way they do business. Simon shares case studies on how they helped clients shift the way they understand and think about their video content.   The metrics they use to see the success of their videos. How does he overcome disconnect in content with clients? What led him to write his book and how is it helping clients today. How do you get video right? Simon’s thoughts on what is coming for video and how he sees videos in the digital space adapting. Humanizing businesses and how video can help with it.
Links mentioned in the show

Book: How to Get Video Right: The Essential Guide to Video Strategy in the Rapidly Changing Digital Age

Tallboy Communcations Website

Simon Banks LinkedIn

Convert Kit