Welcome to season 2, episode 19 of the Class Intercom Engage in Your School’s Story podcast! We are excited to share our interview with Jaclyn Day, marketing manager at FACTS | RenWeb. With over 10 years of experience in private education, she’s passionate about the study of marketing, #edtech, enrollmen, and retention at K-12 institutions.

Prior to joining RenWeb in 2009, she worked in Washington, DC, where she specialized in public affairs. Jaclyn received her BA in Public Communication from Washington Adventist University and currently resides and works in the DC metro area.

Jaclyn shares her wisdom about new trends on social media. She talks about the importance of engaging in conversation and believes in promoting parent ambassadors to engage in conversation, give feedback and address questions.

She gives insight to school marketing and advertising and shares 3 important keys to consider when it comes to social media and schools and education.

We are very excited to share our story with Jaclyn Day and her expertise in education, marketing, and social media. 

Connect with Jaclyn Day:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaclyn-day/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FACTSRenWeb

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