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Engage Church Podcast

423 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 27 ratings

Weekly sermons from Engage Church, located in Tallahassee, FL.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality
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Words to Live By

July 13, 2014 17:37 - 20.5 MB

This Sunday at Engage we welcome Pastor Gabe Bouch who brings a message on the importance of scripture  in our lives.  In order to understand God's word, we read it, reflect on it, see ourselves in it and remember that it brings good news.

Apprentice (Week 6)

July 06, 2014 18:20 - 21.6 MB

Just as elite athletes train tirelessly in their craft, we must also work with great discipline and purpose in our faith.  It is of the highest importance that we prepare, with the goal to win spiritual battles and accomplish the mission set before us.

Apprentice (Week 4)

June 22, 2014 23:29 - 25.6 MB

Social norms of the day have diluted the distinct roles men and women were created to fulfill.  It is vital that we embrace the unique nature of each gender and encourage men and women alike to give to their all to the glory of God. In the fourth installment of our Apprentice series, we disect 1 Timothy 3 and the precise characteristics outlined regarding the leadership of men in the church.

Apprentice (Week 3)

June 16, 2014 00:41 - 21.2 MB

On Father's Day, guest speaker Pastor Clayton Bell addresses the uniqueness of man and woman as God has created them.  He also issues a distinguished call to men of the church to lead, not out of title or power, but out of praise to Jesus Christ.

Apprentice (Week 2)

June 08, 2014 18:24 - 21.1 MB

In 1 Timothy 1:5 Paul writes to Timothy, urging him to love with a pure heart, good conscience and sincere faith.  These qualities allow us to serve out of a genuine love of Christ and not one of self.  Are you serving Christ out of Paul's charge or for what you can get?

Apprentice (Week 1)

June 04, 2014 00:03 - 21.9 MB

As we kickoff the latest sermon series at Engage, titled 'Apprentice', Pastor Adrian delivers a potent message about the importance of caring for others in our journey of faith.

So Loved (Week 5)

May 26, 2014 20:02 - 22.1 MB

Love is missing in our generation.  We all seek an unconditional, agape love, which we understand inherently.  We search in vain to find such love in our own flesh when the truth is, only God can provide what we seek.

So Loved (Week 4)

May 18, 2014 19:57 - 15.2 MB

This Sunday, Billy Humphrey, the newest member of the Engage team, delivers a powerful message rooted in Luke 15. In this scripture Jesus gives the parable of the prodigal son where two distinctly lost brothers, through their own father, are shown the matchless love of our Heavenly Father.

So Loved (Week 3)

May 11, 2014 19:59 - 17.2 MB

How many times have we heard these words recited during a wedding ceremony? "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."  Beautifully spoken, to say the least.  But how often do we fully examine this passage and what God is communicating to us through it?  In week 3 of our 'So Loved' series, Pastor Adrian delivers a compelling word to do just that.

So Loved (Week 2)

May 04, 2014 23:23 - 17.5 MB

Love is a word that can invoke many different reactions.  Some good, some bad, depending on the perspective.  In the second installment of our new sermon series, 'So Loved', Pastor Adrian expounds how the height, the width, the length and the depth of God's love is not circumstantial, rather it is actually invariable.

So Loved (Week 1)

April 28, 2014 00:05 - 16.4 MB

Love is a word that can invoke many different reactions.  Some good, some bad, depending on the perspective.  In the first installment of our new sermon series, 'So Loved', Pastor Adrian dives into the book of Hosea where we are given a glimpse of how deep God's love for us is.

Easter Sunday

April 21, 2014 12:11 - 17.4 MB

In His resurrection, many of Jesus' followers did not recognize Him as the man they had followed to the cross.  As His followers today, we also fail to remember Jesus for who He is.  We wish Him to be what our preferences hope for and miss the reality of His true identity as Lord and Saviour.

Easter Sunday

April 21, 2014 00:08

In His resurrection, many of Jesus' followers did not recognize Him as the man they had followed to the cross.  As His followers today, we also fail to remember Jesus for who He is.  We wish Him to be what our preferences hope for and miss the reality of His true identity as Lord and Saviour.

Palm Sunday

April 15, 2014 14:07 - 18.7 MB

On Palm Sunday it is important that we recognize the significance of the triumphal entry described in Luke 19.  It is at this moment that Jesus establishes Himself as king; a king who would rule like no other; not to conquer nations, but the hearts  and minds of those who would follow Him.


April 06, 2014 23:08 - 17.3 MB

God's plan for reconciliation had Jesus paying the debt of sin that we were unable to pay. We can now be reconciled to God and men.

Flawless Week 3

March 30, 2014 21:17 - 18.2 MB

The greatest scandal the world has ever known was when an innocent, righteous man gave his life to justify those who were not worthy of it.

Flawless Week 2

March 24, 2014 00:03 - 39.9 MB

The cross is a multifaceted jewel, producing beauty from every angle from which it is perceived. In our series Flawless, Pastor Adrian will examine and communicate the implications of the different facets of the cross on our lives. This week we will be peering into the portion of the cross that offers freedom to those who believe.

Flawless Week 2

March 23, 2014 21:40

The cross is a multifaceted jewel, producing beauty from every angle from which it is perceived. In our series Flawless, Pastor Adrian will examine and communicate the implications of the different facets of the cross on our lives. This week we will be peering into the portion of the cross that offers freedom to those who believe.

Flawless (Week 1)

March 10, 2014 00:14 - 19.8 MB

For us to accomplish great things, we must give our absolute best; we must push all of our chips to the middle of the table.  In order to truly follow Jesus, we must follow His example, leave self behind, and go "all in".

My Emote Control - Week 5

March 02, 2014 20:35 - 27.4 MB

We conclude the 'My Emote Control' sermon series by addressing an array of questions regarding emotional health and spirituality with family therapist, Dr. Michael Zoda.  

My Emote Control Week 2

February 09, 2014 23:57 - 41.1 MB

Often times, people limit the work of Jesus' gospel to having the ability to impact only the external aspects of our lives, such as our behaviors. Throughout this series Pastor Adrian will discuss the desire of Jesus to have His gospel not solely result in behavior modification. Jesus' hope is that it would penetrate every portion of our lives, especially our emotions and motives that drive our behaviors. We will see how spiritual maturity is impossible without allowing the gospel to impact ...

My Emote Control Week 1

February 03, 2014 04:32 - 17 MB

Often times, people limit the work of Jesus' gospel to having the ability to impact only the external aspects of our lives, such as our behaviors. Throughout this series Pastor Adrian will discuss the desire of Jesus to have His gospel not solely result in behavior modification. Jesus' hope is that it would penetrate every portion of our lives, especially our emotions and motives that drive our behaviors. We will see how spiritual maturity is impossible without allowing the gospel to impact ...

New Rules Week 3

January 27, 2014 06:01 - 21.8 MB

Any time the world has been changed, there has been someone who has been willing to reject the status quo and write new rules. God is consistently searching for people who are willing submit to him and his plans in order to change the world. Pastor Adrian will guide us through the Word to extract principles used by new rule makers.

New Rules Week 2

January 22, 2014 00:41 - 27.8 MB

Any time the world has been changed, there has been someone who has been willing to reject the status quo and write new rules. God is consistently searching forpeople who are willing submit to him and his plans in order to change the world. Pastor Adrian will guide us through the Word to extract principles used by new rule makers.

New Rules Week 1

January 13, 2014 13:17 - 38.2 MB

Any time the world has been changed, there has been someone who has been willing to reject the status quo and write new rules. God is consistently searching forpeople who are willing submit to him and his plans in order to change the world. Pastor Adrian will guide us through the Word to extract priciples used by new rule makers.

New Year's Revolution

January 06, 2014 05:20 - 41.9 MB

At the beginning of the year people are always making New Year's resolutions. Today, Pastor Adrian encourages us to not settle for behavior modification, but to accept Jesus' plan to revolutionize our entire lives. In our own strengths our resolutions rarely ever make it to the end of the year. Rather we should receive Jesus' finished work on the cross that allows and enables us to be changed at our core.

We lost Jesus

December 23, 2013 00:25 - 40.2 MB

Come explore with us as Pastor Adrian unpacks Luke 2:41-52

God with us

December 16, 2013 04:28 - 47.2 MB

One of Jesus' names, all of which allow us to peer into the nature of our savior, is Emmanuel. When translated it literally means God with us. Jesus willingly stepped out of heaven to be with us, to be the example that we should all emulate. Today we explore Jesus Christ's example to us in how he taught us how to live, how to serve and how to suffer. 

The Gift - 12-8-13

December 10, 2013 04:16 - 23.6 MB

Christmas is a time when gifts are given and received. The greatest gift in history was when God sent down His son Jesus to the earth. This gift, however, has met up against the greatest opposition of any other gift in through all time. The greatest obstacle to receiving this wonderful gift is the perspective held by the receiver. We examine the difference between those who had a skewed perspective of Jesus birth which caused the gift to not be received, while also looking to those who waite...

What will you do with Him?

December 02, 2013 15:44 - 45.1 MB

In our country today, true Christian belief has been, in large part, replaced by a hodgepodge of beliefs. Jesus' gospel message, at times, is in direct opposition to the belief systems at work in our culture. The question then becomes: At the end of your life where will you stand with Jesus based on His teachings?

Made to Work (Week 4) - Work Discovered

November 24, 2013 21:52 - 38.6 MB

What were you created to do? This question is posed by people of all ages, from the child in elementary school to the 45 year old who has been in the workforce for years. God has divinely created us in such a way that we flourish when we combine those inherent gifts and the needs of our society

Made to Work (Week 3) - Work Revealed

November 17, 2013 22:40 - 45.1 MB

Our culture today fosters the desire inside of us to idolize our occupation. We gain our identity through the significance that we attach to our occupation. The question is will we lay down our idols associated with our occupation and learn to receive our significance through the only one truly worthy of our worship, Jesus.

Made To Work (Week 2) - Work Dignified

November 10, 2013 21:52 - 19.3 MB

Our culture has a tendency to assign higher levels of dignity to certain jobs over others.  The career of an executive is generally held in higher esteem than that of someone in a position of service.  The truth is, all work is sacred before God.

Made To Work (Week 1) - Purpose of Work

November 03, 2013 19:20 - 25.9 MB

In creation, God established the template for work.  We are commanded to glorify Him in our works, and to take rest in praising Him.

Scars & Stories (Week 4) - Aftermath

October 27, 2013 17:53 - 24.4 MB

This Sunday Pastor Clayton Bell delivers a powerful message addressing the aftermath of the events, which produce our scars.  We are not guaranteed a life free of suffering.  In fact, we are promised a life of trial marked by scars.  The question we must answer is, will we be defined by, or refined by the trials in our lives?

Scars & Stories (Week 3) - Idols

October 21, 2013 13:56 - 23 MB

In life, we all want good things, for ourselves and for each other.  But what we perceive as good may not be what God has for us.  Often our expectations do not align with God's plan.  Our challenge is to embrace what's in front of us and seek God through it all.

Scars & Stories (Week 2) - Self-Inflicted

October 14, 2013 11:03 - 21.4 MB

Many times scars result from self-inflicted wounds.  It's important that we recognize the significance of sin and the consequences they have on our souls.  Our culture has a tendency to treat sin like a common cold, when really it's more like a cancer, which starts small, but spreads when left untreated, ultimately resulting in death.

Scars & Stories (Week 1) - The Purpose of Pain and Suffering

October 07, 2013 23:21 - 17.5 MB

Pastor Charles Kiefer joins us to talk about purpose in suffering. Contentment requires nothing of us, but trial and suffering forces us to grow beyond our current boundaries. Our challenge is not to rejoice for all circumstances, but to rejoice in all circumstances.

Once Upon A Time (Week 4) - Restoration

October 04, 2013 19:12 - 19.3 MB

In the conclusion of our series, "Once Upon A Time", we finish the story with the restoration of mankind's relationship with God, delivered by Christ's life, death and resurrection. 

Once Upon A Time - Week 3 (Redemption)

September 24, 2013 00:53 - 19.3 MB

Heroes earn their title.  The ultimate hero is ultimately deserving, earning His stripes through trial, sacrfice and redemption.

Once Upon A Time - Week 1 (Creation)

September 11, 2013 00:29 - 17.1 MB

We begin a new series this week titled 'Once Upon A Time', in which we uncover the most epic biography ever written; that of the One True God and his plan for humanity.

#NoFilter - Week 10 (Prelude to Power)

September 04, 2013 00:52 - 22.8 MB

Confession. It's a word that stirs our soul. None of us want to show vulnerability, but sin seeks to isolate. Confession brings community, not only with each other, but with God.  With confession comes humility, relationship and the life God intends us to live.

#NoFilter - Week 9 (Behind Enemy Lines)

August 27, 2013 01:07 - 21.8 MB

Often times we walk a thin line between humanity and the destiny God intends for us.  We must be purposeful in our service and careful with our actions as we seek the Kingdom.

#NoFilter - Week 5 (Burden of Proof)

August 04, 2013 18:38 - 23 MB

Do our lives reflect that of a christian? As one who lives like Christ?  The evidence lies in our day-to-day.

#NoFilter - Week 6 (Sticks & Stones)

August 04, 2013 18:25 - 20.8 MB

Continuing our series in the book of James, we discuss the power of words and the impact they can have on our life and the lives of others.Continuing our series in the book of James, we discuss the power of words and the impact they can have on our life and the lives of others.

#NoFilter - Week 4 (Low Profile)

July 23, 2013 00:26 - 20.7 MB

Human experience leads us to place things, and people, in categories.  However, our human experience is one that leads us down treacherous paths. The Gospel leads us on a different path; God's path.

#NoFilter - Week 3 (Special Message)

July 15, 2013 23:36 - 22.4 MB

In light of recent events in the US, our message this week focuses on the way each of us can approach volatile situations with an unbiblical nature; a nature of posturing to appease our own emotion; a nature that is self-centered and not biblically focused.

#NoFilter - Week 2 (Final Destination)

July 10, 2013 00:27 - 20.8 MB

When trials inevitably come in life, what is our response? Do we question God's purpose?  Or do we trust in His masterful plan for our life?

Mix Tapes - Week 6 (On to the Next One)

June 25, 2013 01:03 - 22.3 MB

As christians, we can become spirtual loiterers; remaining in one place when God intends for us to be continually moving forward, becoming more like Christ.

Mix Tapes - Week 5 (Missing Pieces - Father's Day)

June 18, 2013 00:28 - 22.8 MB

On father's day at Engage, we expand on three things each of us look to our dad to provide us with: identity, vision and trust, each of which we carry for the rest of our lives.


The Color Purple
5 Episodes