Well if you joined us for the last episode, episode 8, you will know that Event Horizon 2019 has already took place back in the middle of June. The theme of this year’s conference was #MakeYourMove. So in this the penultimate episode of the current series, we’re continuing to focus a companies who have already made a move.

So for Episode 9, join me, Kevin O'Donovan, where I chat with May Liew, Head of Sustainability and Innovation at SP Group.

SP Group is Singapore Power and all members of the group.

The Event Horizon Podcast

Well if you joined us for the last episode, episode 8, you will know that Event Horizon 2019 has already took place back in the middle of June. The theme of this year’s conference was #MakeYourMove. So in this the penultimate episode of the current series, we’re continuing to focus a companies who have already made a move.

Joining me for Episode 9, is May Liew, Head of Sustainability and Innovation at SP Group. SP Group is Singapore Power and all members of the group.

Now please give us a review, subscribe to receive future episodes and please do join the conversation to share your thoughts with us via social media …

Event Horizon REC Panel Discussion

On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY0ujTua7do

Event Horizon 2019 - Make your Move
Post-Event video at https://youtu.be/ChAd9yWflz8

Twitter – @eventhorizonx

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/eventhorizon-summit/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/eventhorizon2019/

Check out https://eventhorizonsummit.com/ for all the latest information on the event.

References for this episode…

For info on SP Group visit https://www.spgroup.com.sg/home

To contact May Liew

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/mayliew/

To contact Kevin O’Donovan

Twitter - @Kevin_ODonovan

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinodonovan/