Event Horizon 2019 has just taken place.

The theme of this year’s conference was #MakeYourMove. If we’re going to have a hope of dealing with issues like #ClimateChange, then we have to accelerate the pace of the Energy Transition. One key takeaway from this year’s event is that blockchain enabled solutions that help accelerate the Energy Transition are viable today and are being commercially deployed.

So for the final few episodes in this series, we’re going to hear from a number of Energy Companies who have already Made a Move.

Join me, Kevin O'Donovan for Episode 8, Making a Move, where I chat with Etienne Gehain, Digital Innovation Officer at Engie.

The Event Horizon Podcast

On the series so far, in the run up to Event Horizon we looked at the state of blockchain technology in the Energy Industry, the challenges, the opportunities and heard from some of the leading startups out there.

Well Event Horizon 2019 has just taken place. The theme of this year’s conference was #MakeYourMove. If we’re going to have a hope of dealing with issues like #ClimateChange, then we have to accelerate the pace of the Energy Transition. One key takeaway from this year’s event is that blockchain enabled solutions that help accelerate the Energy Transition are viable today and are being commercially deployed.

So for the final few episodes in this series, we’re going to hear from a number of Energy Companies who have already Made a Move.

Joining me for Episode 8, Making a Move is Etienne Gehain, Digital Innovation Officer at Engie.

Now please give us a review, subscribe to receive future episodes and please do join the conversation to share your thoughts with us via social media …

Event Horizon 2019 - Make your Move - https://youtu.be/ChAd9yWflz8

Twitter – @eventhorizonx

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/eventhorizon-summit/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/eventhorizon2019/

Check out https://eventhorizonsummit.com/ for all the latest information on the event.

References for this episode…

For info on Engie visit https://www.engie.com/en/

To contact Etienne Gehain

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/etienne-gehain-083144107/

To contact Kevin O’Donovan

Twitter - @Kevin_ODonovan

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinodonovan/

And see you all in Berlin this June …