In the past few episodes, when it comes to Blockchain in Energy, the topic of Energy Policy & Regulation keeps coming up …

So in Episode 3, we’re going to look at the role Energy Policy and Regulation has to play. In order to better understand the world of Energy Policy, I'm joined by Katherine Hamilton, Chair at 38 North Solutions and Professor Jean-Michel Glachant, the Director of the Florence School of Regulation.

Energy Singularity - The Event Horizon Podcast

In the past few episodes, when it comes to Blockchain in Energy, the topic of Energy Policy & Regulation keeps coming up …

So in Episode 3, we’re going to look at the role Energy Policy and Regulation has to play. In order to better understand the world of Energy Policy, I'm joined by Katherine Hamilton, Chair at 38 North Solutions and Professor Jean-Michel Glachant, the Director of the Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute.

Be sure to give us a review, subscribe to receive future episodes and please do join the conversation to share your thoughts with us via social media …

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References for this episode…

38 North Solutions -

Florence School of Regulation -

Energy Web Foundation -

To contact Katherine Hamilton

Twitter - @CleanGridView

LinkedIn -

To contact Jean-Michel Glachant

Twitter - @JMGlachant

LinkedIn -

To contact Kevin O’Donovan

Twitter - @Kevin_ODonovan

LinkedIn –

And see you all in Berlin this June …