In this week’s episode of Energetically You we focused on abundant energy and an abundant mindset with one of the leading experts on the topic, Sabrina Philipp.  Sabrina works with women all over the world helping them step into their power and reach their goals through her business and mindset coaching.  She excels at supporting women at all levels of their business journey.   One thing that she teaches is that mindset work is always something we need to keep at the forefront to ensure that our limiting beliefs don’t come back to sabotage our success.  She has trademarked the term AbundantAF and she will tell us how she came to embody abundant energy. 


Quotes from Sabrina:

“I do think there is a connection between the shifts you make energetically, mentally, and physically and how that will later transfer into financially."

“Abundance is a feeling, it’s the feeling and belief that there is always more than enough.”

“Make lifestyle changes about why you want to have that change versus how it’s something you have to do.”

“I talk about law of massive action. If you want something you go out and make it happen. There is a very specific process for doing that, you look at your thoughts, clear out any resistance, get locked in, get certain, and take action.”


Thank you for listening!

Are you looking to level up your mindset and business with Sabrina?  



Instagram: @sabrinamphilipp

Facebook: @sabrinamphilipp

More from Sabrina:

I haven’t always been the CEO of a 30-person company, with students and clients in nearly every country on Earth, a husband who hops with me from country to country as my COO, and a multi-million dollar business built from the ground up.

When I started out, I was a college drop-out with $800 in her pocket, a one-way plane ticket to Bali, and a commitment to make it on my own. Little did I know, that single decision changed the course of my life forever.

Today you can find me cooking up new cocktails (and programs!) in Scotland with my Aussie hubs Paul and our Goldendoodle Bonnie.


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