Today we are launching a new mini-series on Leadership and Optimal Wellness with leadership Professor Barbara San-Roman called Before you quit, hear us out. This episode focuses on Why Women Need to Stop Reading the Room.


We chatted about:

How we spend too much time self-editing and reading the room

The layers of people pleasing you are trying to keep up with

Take back your power / setting boundaries

Nervous System Level Awareness - Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn Response

Knowing how to harness your emotions + recognizing your triggers

How Check-in with your core values as a leader

Sit in discomfort with “letting others down” 

Checking-in with your inner compass first


Barbara San-Roman teaches women in leadership to manage change, develop their leadership capacity, and build highly effective teams so that they can show up authentically as leaders while running high impact organizations. She is a former educator, current university professor, and holds a doctorate in organizational leadership. From managing multi-million dollar budgets to leading teams of 2 to 200, she has always understood that highly effective teams led by bold leadership are the foundation to the future success of any organization.

Megan Swan is an Integrated Wellness Coach & Strategic Advisor who works with modern women, leaders and companies to optimize their wellness so they can step into a growth mindset, have consistent energy and confidence to build the life and career of their dreams. She has 10 years of integrative wellness experience as a certified IIN Health Coach, Plant-Based Chef, Yoga Teacher and Educator.