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The Endtime Show | Endtime

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What if you could understand Bible prophecy? You can gain peace and understanding about end time events by listening to The Endtime Show!

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Biden and the Four Horsemen

March 29, 2022 21:02 - 58 minutes

A news column stated yesterday that Joe Biden had released the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Stating that conquest, war, famine, and pestilence have now come on the world, because of his failure as a President. Is this true? Are we about to see the “Battle of Armageddon?” Join me today as we look at the Seals of Revelation on End of the Age. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Are Food Shortages Coming?

March 28, 2022 21:02 - 58 minutes

President Joe Biden says food shortages are coming to America and “they are going to be real.” Could this be the next wave of crisis to further the New World Order agenda? Or is this another Biblical prophecy of the end days? What should we do to prepare? Should we be afraid or will we live on faith. Join me as we look at it through a biblical lens on today’s edition of End of the Age. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 463

March 25, 2022 21:01 - 58 minutes

The five top prophecy everyone should be focused on are the Sixth Trumpet War, Israeli/Palestinian Peace Agreement, World Government, World Religion and precursors to the Mark of the Beast. We will analyze these events while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Biden: New World Order is Coming

March 24, 2022 21:02 - 58 minutes

President Joe Biden says New World Order is coming. Could this just mean the standard way of doing life is shifting due to consequences of COVID restrictions or food shortages because of the Russia-Ukraine war? You know, we don’t have to be concerned about the emerging Antichrist or the evil establishment that will usher in Global Governance… Or… could New World Order be World Government? Let’s talk about it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Societal Conditions in the Last Days

March 23, 2022 21:04 - 58 minutes

Recent surveys show that 72% of U.S. adults believe the nation’s moral compass is “pointed in the wrong direction.” Prophecies foretell this societal condition in the last days. We will discuss these events and God’s biblical response on this edition of End of the Age Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Ukraine Jewish Aliyah Update

March 22, 2022 21:11 - 58 minutes

From warning Jews to leave Germany, prior to WWII, to the founding and building the State of Israel and beyond, since 1929, the Jewish Agency has worked to secure a vibrant Jewish future. Today, the Jewish Agency provides the global framework for Aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) and is working feverishly to get Jews out of Ukraine. We are joined By Dvora Ganani of the Jewish Agency on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Russia Russia Russia!

March 21, 2022 21:01 - 58 minutes

Russia, Russia, Russia! No matter what channel you turn on, what website you visit, or what social media app you use, you are going to hear about RUSSIA! That’s because Putin has invaded Ukraine sparking speculation of World War 3, the Battle of Armageddon, and many other Bible prophecy talking points. Everyone wants to know, if NATO gets involved with Ukraine and Russia, will it go nuclear? Russia says yes… What does the Bible say? Let’s talk about it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...

A Male is a Women’s NCAA Champion | Open Line 462

March 18, 2022 21:03 - 58 minutes

One of the top advisors to Klaus Shwab and the World Economic Forum says we shouldn’t worry about Divine commandments, USA Today names a male in their 2022 “Women of the Year” list, and a male identifying as a female won a NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship crushing the female competition. We’ll talk about this and more as we dedicate today’s entire show to answering your questions pertaining to Bible prophecy. Do you have a question or comment? Join us by calling 1.877.363.8463. We are going...

Joe Biden Prepares for War with China | Open Line 461

March 17, 2022 21:03 - 58 minutes

Joe Biden and the United States will deploy thousands of troops to northern Australia after it has been admitted that war with China IS possible while the world is preoccupied with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We’ll talk about this and more as we dedicate today’s entire show to answering your questions pertaining to Bible prophecy. It’s Open Line THURSDAY! Do you have a question or comment? Join us by calling 1.877.363.8463. We are going to discuss the two things you’re not supposed to talk ...

Russia Threatens to Bomb America (WW3 Watch)

March 16, 2022 21:02 - 58 minutes

In the Old Testament, people built the Tower of Babel into the heavens to avoid God’s judgement of another flood. In response, God confused their language and scattered the people into the many regions of the world. This week in Russia, a symbolic Tower of Babel was set on fire and burned to the ground. Could we be witnessing a prophetic event? What significance could this have according to Bible prophecy? Let’s talk about it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Russians Burn ‘Tower of Babel’

March 15, 2022 21:01 - 58 minutes

In the Old Testament, people built the Tower of Babel into the heavens to avoid God’s judgement of another flood. In response, God confused their language and scattered the people into the many regions of the world. This week in Russia, a symbolic Tower of Babel was set on fire and burned to the ground. Could we be witnessing a prophetic event? What significance could this have according to Bible prophecy? Let’s talk about it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Russia/Ukraine Update and A European Superstate

March 14, 2022 21:04 - 58 minutes

Russia/Ukraine Update – A European Superstate – President Biden’s Cryptocurrency Crackdown – President Biden Forcing Banks to drive climate change propaganda in the headlines and all prophetic. We’ll analyze these events on today’s edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 460

March 11, 2022 22:02 - 58 minutes

Some well-known Evangelicals are speculating that the Russia/Ukraine war the beginning of the end of the world. Is this WWIII? We will answer these and many other question while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Total Control Through Digital IDs

March 10, 2022 22:03 - 58 minutes

The Bible tells us in the end time a World Economic System will be in place, and unless you have the Mark, you will not be able to buy, sell, or trade. Unrealized by most due to the attention being pushed toward Ukraine and Russia, the globalist plan for The Great Reset is moving forward at lightning speed. Before you realize it, the elites will have total control through digital IDs that look a lot like the prophesied Mark of the Beast. Will you be on board for such a digital ID? Or are you ...

Spiritual Warfare and Our True Enemy

March 09, 2022 22:02 - 58 minutes

Prophecies foretell perilous times in the last days. Whether you realize it or not, as a Christian, you are fighting a battle. In 2022, some might think the battle is with Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Vladimir Putin, Prince Charles, Xi Jinping or any other globalist elite. But the Bible says, as Christians, our battlefield is spiritual. We’ll discuss spiritual warfare, and our true enemy, on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Do the Elites Want War?

March 08, 2022 22:05 - 58 minutes

The day Russia invaded Ukraine we started hearing about nuclear war and World War 3, and that message has continued nonstop. Sen. Lindsey Graham has even called for the assignation of Vladimir Putin while comparing him to Adolf Hitler. Whether we like it or not, we are being conditioned to think in terms of war and expect violence to continue to escalate. It got us thinking… Why do the elites want war so bad? And what does Bible prophecy have to say? Let’s talk about it! Learn more about your...

War Propaganda and Bible Prophecy

March 07, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

Russian/Ukrainian disinformation and propaganda. The current war might not be what you think it is. Which is why we must stick to and teach what we know to be true—Bible prophecy. We will analyze the war, as well as some Biden Administration propaganda along with future prophesied events on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 459

March 04, 2022 22:03 - 58 minutes

Could the Russia-Ukraine war lead to conflict in the Middle East? A European super-state! A world government update and digital identities to enhance a cashless society all prophetic and in today’s headlines. We will analyze these events while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Build Back Better Society

March 03, 2022 22:02 - 58 minutes

The architects of the Build Back Better society are guiding various governments on ways to create efficient registration and compliance systems for things like a person’s sexuality, credit score, criminal record, gun license status and more. We have seen this advance tremendously through the pandemic, but not as much as the powers that be had hoped. What will happen next to advance this cause that is putting us on a fast track toward the prophesied Mark of the Beast? Let’s talk about it! Lear...

Red Heifer Update and President Biden's State of the Union Speech

March 02, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

Red Heifer update. Canadian Truckers. Gog and Magog? Famines-Pestilence. ID4D report: ‘paradigm shift’ in digital ID. And President Biden’s LGBTQ driven agenda in his SOTU speech. We’ll analyze these events from a prophetic perspective on today’s edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Ukraine-Russia: Is this World War 3?

March 01, 2022 22:11 - 58 minutes

The Russo-Ukrainian War is an ongoing conflict that has intensified drastically to the point of Vladimir Putin ordering nuclear forces on alert. The potential for this to develop into a global war is great, and many are questioning whether or not this is the prophesied Sixth Trumpet War. Is what is happening in Ukraine with Russia World War III? Let’s talk about it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Russia on Nuclear High-Alert

February 28, 2022 22:05 - 58 minutes

Russia on Nuclear high-alert, A Ukraine update, What does Vladimir Putin have on Joe Biden? Calls to end the UNSC veto power and the fight against a European Superstate in the headlines today. We will analyze these events through a prophetic lens on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 458

February 25, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

Our church families in Ukraine. Will the Russia, China, Iran alliance and their potential conflicts lead to WWIII? World Government and mark of the beast update… We will analyze these events while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Russia Invades Ukraine

February 24, 2022 22:08 - 58 minutes

Russia has invaded Ukraine in the largest European Attack since WWII. What Russia is doing today is not a surprise to God. Russia is mentioned many times in scripture, which leads to many questions: What are the ribs in the mouth of the bear, will the current Russia/Ukraine conflict lead to the prophesied Sixth trumpet war—WWIII or the Battle of Armageddon? We’ll analyze Russia’s role in Bible prophecy today’s edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Most Important Message Jesus Proclaimed

February 23, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

Jesus was the greatest teacher that ever lived. He warned of false prophets, wars, famines, earthquakes, great tribulation and much more. But above all else, His most important message was that we should all be ready for the soon coming Kingdom of God. We will analyze the Kingdom of God on this edition of end of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Is the UN Invading North America?

February 22, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

The United Nations headquarters has been located in New York, New York for 70 years. Some are reporting the UN Military has moved into Ottawa, Canada coming down on the citizens protesting peacefully. Has the United Nations invaded North America? What could this mean for Bible prophecy? Lets talk about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

World Economic Forum’s Efforts Towards World Government

February 21, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

World Economic Forum’s efforts towards a world Government. The need for digital identities to enhance a cashless society. Joe Biden using banks to force his climate change agenda. Europeans fighting for their sovereignty. All prophetic and all in today’s headlines. We will discuss these and many other topics on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 457

February 18, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

A way forward for the Israelis and Palestinians. ESG and the SDGs. The need for digital identities to enhance a cashless society. Joe Biden using banks to force his climate change agenda. All prophetic and all in today’s headlines. We will discuss these and many other topics while taking your calls on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Trudeau Freezes Pro-Trump Bank Accounts

February 17, 2022 22:05 - 58 minutes

What would you do if the government froze your bank accounts due to your lack of compliance? That’s what is happening in Canada to the Freedom Convoy supporters. Is this the beginning of the Mark of the Beast? Is Justin Trudeau the Antichrist? We’re talking about the two things you’re not supposed to… Politics and Religion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The War in Heaven Understood

February 16, 2022 22:06 - 58 minutes

Some teach the War in Heaven occurred millions of years ago, others teach it occurred at the beginning in the garden of Eden. There are even some that claim the Devil and demons became earthbound at the time that the Gospel first went forth. We will analyze this event and answer many questions concerning the War in Heaven on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Why Bible Prophecy is Important?

February 15, 2022 22:02 - 58 minutes

Have you ever wondered if prophecy is really all that important. Prophecy is a major theme in the Bible and makes up almost one-third of the Bible. Many prophecies have been fulfilled, and most people missed them. There are many more unfulfilled prophecies in the Bible and tragically, most people are unaware of the events surrounding the End of the Age. Will you be part of the masses that will be caught off guard? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Potential Russia-Ukraine Conflict

February 14, 2022 22:04 - 58 minutes

Prophecies foretell the Sixth Trumpet War—WWIII—will be the entrance ramp for the Antichrist. It is because of this fact, we will analyze from a much broader perspective the potential Russia/Ukraine conflict and what it could lead to on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 456

February 11, 2022 22:07 - 58 minutes

World Government—Environmental, social and governance (ESG). Biden using banks to push his climate agenda—even though it is a hoax. The need for digital identities to enhance a cashless society. A European Superstate. All in the news and all prophetic. We will analyze these headlines while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

End Time Christianity with Scott Sistrunk

February 10, 2022 22:04 - 58 minutes

With Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons, the Palestinians and Jews discussing peace options with each other, and World Government advancing like we haven’t seen in years, it is imperative for Christians to eliminate distractions and be more devoted to Jesus than ever before. What does end time Christianity look like? How can Endtime Bible studies and Jerusalem Prophecy College help you grow in discipleship no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord? Today, Doug and I have a spec...

Holy Land Confederation Proposed

February 09, 2022 22:07 - 58 minutes

Prophecies foretell an Israeli/Palestinian peace agreement will begin the final seven years prior to thew Second Coming of Jesus. Is the new “Holy Land Confederation”, proposed to the United States and the United Nations, that prophesied peace deal? We will analyze that question on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

A Proposed Two-State Confederation in Israel

February 08, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

Israeli and Palestinian public figures have drawn up a new proposal for a two-state confederation that they hope will offer a way forward after a decade-long stalemate in Mideast peace efforts. The Bible says a Peace Treaty is coming before the Second Coming of Jesus. Could this be the one? Will you see a Middle East Peace Plan in your lifetime? Let’s talk about it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Censorship Silencing Opposition in our Churches

February 07, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

Censorship…Silencing All Opposition—Not only in society, but in our churches—Setting The Stage For The Antichrist. We will analyze efforts to suppress freedom of not just secular, but religious speech and why it matters on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line - 455

February 04, 2022 22:16 - 58 minutes

Is the rapture scriptural? Some think it isn’t. Biden using banks to push his climate agenda—even though it is a hoax. The need for digital identities to enhance a cashless society. All in the news and all prophetic. We will analyze these headlines while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Encore Edition: The Holy Roman Empire Has Already Been Reborn

February 03, 2022 16:23 - 58 minutes

The Holy Roman Empire has already been reborn. Two leaders will rule this revived Holy Roman Empire during the end time—the Antichrist and False Prophet. We will discuss current events setting the stage for the soon revealing of these two leaders on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Prophecy Precursors and What to Look For

February 02, 2022 22:10 - 58 minutes

The news headlines are loaded everyday with either the fulfillment of or precursors to all of the end time prophecies. If you don’t understand what to watch for, it can certainly seem overwhelming. We will look at some of these articles and detail the end time scenario on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Great Reset

February 01, 2022 22:00 - 58 minutes

Revelation 13 gives us an outline of Satan’s end time plan, a One-World Government, a One-World Religion, and a One-World Economic system. Are there world leaders in place right now that have already begun to move the world in the direction of a great reset fulfilling this prophecy in the Bible? Let’s talk about it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Predestination vs Free Will

January 31, 2022 22:03 - 58 minutes

Some folks teach that God has predestined just a select group to be saved. If you are not included in that group, too bad. Right? Is this a scriptural teaching? We’ll answer this question on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Open Line 454

January 28, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

The identity of the two witnesses. Attacking the Bible. Predestination vs. Freewill. What happens if you are left behind? World Government Update. A secret Iran deal? And much more in the news today. We will answer these questions and analyze these events while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Prophesied Future

January 27, 2022 22:04 - 58 minutes

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day which marks 77 years since the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps were liberated by the Soviet troops in 1945. Sadly, antisemitism is on the rise again in many countries. We will analyze the past holocaust, present antisemitism and future Jewish holocaust and Endtime Ministries end time efforts to aid the Jews globally on this edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Spirit-led in the End Time

January 26, 2022 22:01 - 58 minutes

WWIII, world government, Antichrist, world religion, False Prophet, Mark of the Beast, great tribulation, wars and rumors of ware, pandemics, famines, earthquakes and more all prophesied for the times just ahead. How should a Christian navigate these events? We will answer this question on today’s edition of End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Will World War 3 Start with Russia?

January 25, 2022 22:03 - 58 minutes

It’s reported that Russia is preparing to invade the Ukraine. As a result, NATO flags are flying over American war ships for the first time since the Cold War. Also, China continues to threaten Taiwan with a military show of force. Are we approaching the prophesied World War 3? Let’s talk about it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The United Nations Socialistic Global Governing Online College

January 24, 2022 22:00 - 58 minutes

The United Nations socialistic global governing online college, the location of the Third Temple, does the earth only has nine years left as… some are claiming, Interfaithism—gathering all religions for a world religion, Stakeholder Capitalism—the road to socialism. The increase of Anti-Semitism and continuing efforts towards Israeli/Palestinian peace. And China, Russia and Iran joint naval drills and more. All prophetic and all in the headlines today…Which is why we will analyze these events...

Location of the Third Temple in Jerusalem

January 24, 2022 22:00 - 23.3 MB

The United Nations socialistic global governing online college, the location of the Third Temple, does the earth only has nine years left as… some are claiming, Interfaithism—gathering all religions for a world religion, Stakeholder Capitalism—the road to socialism. The increase of Anti-Semitism and continuing efforts towards Israeli/Palestinian peace. And China, Russia and Iran joint naval drills and more. All prophetic and all in the headlines today…Which is why we will analyze these events...

Open Line 453

January 21, 2022 22:00 - 58 minutes

The location of the Third Temple, does the earth only has nine years left as… some are claiming, Interfaithism—gathering all religions for a world religion, Stakeholder Capitalism—the road to socialism. The increase of Anti-Semitism and continuing efforts towards Israeli/Palestinian peace. And China, Russia and Iran joint naval drills. All prophetic and all in the headlines today…Which is why we will analyze these events while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age! Lea...

Marriage Supper & Armageddon

January 20, 2022 22:06 - 58 minutes

The Bible tells us in the very near future, the Saints of God will join Him for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, at that time we will receive our reward and go with Jesus to the Mount of Olives for what is known as the Battle of Armageddon. Will you be included in the Wedding feast? Let’s talk about it today, on End of the Age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit