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Imagine catching a glimpse of heaven through the awe-inspiring moments of your everyday life.  Join us for an enlightening discussion inspired by the book "Imagine Heaven," where we explore how imagining heaven can shift our perspective, helping us navigate daily distractions with an eternal mindset. From the radiant beauty of sunsets to the miracle of a newborn's smile, these moments provide a striking reminder of the transcendence and joy that awaits us.

Reflecting on our temporary earthly lives and the homesickness for our perfect heavenly home can bring profound calm, especially during tough times. We talk about the importance of encouraging one another with this heavenly promise, and how maintaining physical well-being, staying hydrated, and engaging with scripture can anchor us in truth. Witness the divine artistry of nature around you and let it be a daily testament to God's handiwork, filling you with awe and reflection.

Now get out into the world and be a woman who intentionally encourages another!

#women #podcast