The city of Atlanta is unquestionably one of the capitals of Black culture in America. From being the home of Martin Luther King Jr. to the birthplace of trap music, Atlanta is consistently at the heartbeat of Black America.

This makes the city and region a center for Black leadership, and today’s guest on the Empowering Leadership podcast is one of the voices leading that charge. Reverend Louis Negrón Sr. is the Executive Director and CEO of 100 Black Men of Atlanta, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged youth in Atlanta.

Rev. Negrón sits down with Empowering Leadership host Doug McVadon for a conversation about the work that 100 Black Men of Atlanta does, and who that work touches. Rev. Negrón also touches on the value of leadership in young urban communities, and how his organization is working to address those needs.

Learn more about 100 Black Men of Atlanta at