Despite the greatest ambitions of the most visionary leaders, life circumstances can change trajectories and priorities in an instant. Through no fault of their own, people can be thrust into a much different battle than the ones they had envisioned most of their lives. This kind of journey through the unkown by definition requires bravery and leadership.

Todays guest on the Empowering Leadership podcast is Michael Watson, who was one of the co-founders of Watson Tate Savory Architects. After founding the firm in 1991, Watson and his colleagues would help shape much of the public space in South Carolina, including several projects on the campus of USC. However, when Mike was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he was forced to make a choice between caring for his business and caring for his health.

Michael Watson joins host Doug McVadon for a candid and thorough conversation about Mike's prolific work as an architect and entrepreneur, as well as how he's faced one of life's greatest challenges in a cancer diagnosis. Mike talks about his journey from diagnosis through treatment, his current condition and what he hopes for in the future. He also talks about much of the work he and his colleagues as Watson Tate Savory were able to accomplish.