In this episode of Empowering Her, I share about 3 different girls empowerment initiatives available to women worldwide. I also share about the pre-framing principle and how we can use it in our favor to help girls access their inner toolkit. 

Here is a snapshot of all the different ways your can step into your girls empowerment movement:

Thanks for listening beautiful human!

Melody Pourmoradi is an empowerment coach, author, twin girl mom, and the creator of the GiRLiFE Certification Program: A platform that trains women to create profitable girls empowerment businesses. My greatest goal is for every young girl and woman to find her own voice and live a life that lights her up from the inside out.

Thank you so much for your listenership. If you love what you’re hearing on the Empowering Her podcast, please leave a five-star review at When you share it on Instagram, tag me at and also send me the screenshot via email at [email protected], as an expression of my gratitude I will send you my audio called "seven questions to unlock your empowerment now. I appreciate you so much!

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