Join Tell Them Ministries for another bibical based teaching from Apostle Hawkins. So often we are tired, worn, weary and weighted down because of things we carry in our hearts, mind, we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We try to carry sin, unforgiveness, anger, lust, covetness, envy, strife, hurts, anguish, the list goes on and on. When we carry too much, we become preoccupied, distracted, carelessand  forgetful. This takes us from those things that truly require our attention. They take us away from enjoying life in Jesus, the work of the Lord and life with our families. We all have responsibilities and obligations that we must attend to. We find it hard to even get the job done because of heaviness and being weighted down. It's time to lay it all aside. Hebrew 12:1 tells us, "Wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us". We have a choice, we can try to continue to trey to carry or we can lay them down. It's all up to you. Let's talk about it.