Previous Episode: If it don't fit

Join Tell Them Ministries for another biblical discussion. Have you ever had that feeling something's missing? It doesn't matter if it's in cooking, getting dressed, decorating a room. or even sitting in church. It may be in a relationship, it could be prehaps you just feel alittle off tilt. Just a feeling of, something is missing, something just doesn't feel right. In all of these if you just take some time to ask the Lord, what's missing? When you take time to seek the Lord for what's missing on the inside, He will tell you. For every things there is a reason. The bible gives us solution for all things. This includes depression, oppress, sadness, hopelessness and feelings that may seem to take you over. What's the missing ingredient or ingredients. We will be having a conversation about Isaiah 11 and Galations 5. Let's find what missing.