Join Tell Them Ministries for this discussion. Saturday, September 28th, we will be doing our yearly outreach at one of the housing communities near where I live. This is our third year and I must admit when I first received this assignment it absolutely terrified me. I had more questions than answers. I questioned God about Him being sure He was sending me. Who Me? Why me? I can't do that, I don't know how to do that. I questioned my qualifications, my knowledge of the word, who was going to help me, would anybody help? As you can see I was a mess. After much prayer, fasting crying and also being told I heard God wrong, I did it all again. When I finally decided to just trust God, believe God, depend on God, wait on further instructions I movesd accordingly. We will be stretched beyond what we think we are capable of, we will be in places we may have thought we don't qualify to be there. I want to encourage you in this moment. Reach beyond yourself!!!!!