Happy New Year!  Of course it's not New Year's Day to the world but it is to me!

Romans 12:2 reads, "Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect.'(GWT)  I changed my mind!  Prophet Karena Hadden Calhoun posted this on FB yesterday and it spoke so loudly to what I was feeling, "Beware of MANY of these people coming to prophesy regarding your upcoming new year - new season. Many of you will not be in a new season just because it's a new year. For many; your new year has already begun and for others your new season will not begin because you have not faithfully completed your current/past season........."  

How many of you are making plans for a "new" anything yet you've not completed what's currently before you nor have you planned regarding what that "new" actually is.  Are you one of those dreamers who thinks that just because it crossed your mind that it will manifest without action?  This evenings discussion is designed to fuel a fire in you to change your mind, see the vision, write the vision and put the play into action! 

Everyone won't understand or appreciate your newness and guess what, that's a real good thing! Join us this evening by dialing 323-927-3014 or join us using the attached link - YOU WILL BE EMPOWERED!