This week, we will dialogue about our relationship with God as our All and All.  There are many names and attributes of the Holy One, and I have to wonder if we are taking into consideration how we speak of Him.  I've listened to a few love songs today, where they are claiming that they will give their all; the person they're in love with is their all; yet when challenges arise, the conversation changes. James Cleveland wrote the song, God Is and the lyrics read,

God is my protection.

God is my all and all.

God is my light in darkness.

God is my all and all.

God is my joy in time of sorrow.

God is my all and all.

God is my today and tomorrow.

God is my all and all.

God is the joy and the strength of my life,

He removes all pain, misery, and strife.

He promised to keep me, never to leave me.

He'll never ever fall short of His word.

This week, let's examine our relationship and begin to embrace His as our All and All.

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