Join Tell Them Ministries for another discussion that will empower, equip and encourage! WE all have something going on in our lives that maybe confusing, that something that seems to follow us no matter where we go or what we do. Sometimes we can find the answer and other times it seems to escape us. We've endured test, trials and tribulations. It's not my fault but my repsonsibilty is not meant to encourage you to consistently blame someone else for your troubles. This is meant to have you take a look at how things of the past can cause issues in your life today and days to come. In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28, it tells us of the curses and blessings. It tells us that the sins and blessing of the fathers can and will befall on the children for many generations. When we look at those things passed down from generation to generation we are now referring to those generational traits, habits, beliefs that are passed down. When we get to the root of the matter we can then begin the healing and deliverance process and it is a process. There are things that must be dealt with, retaught and relearned. The scripture tells us to renew our minds. Wilt thou be made whole?