Join Tell Them Ministries for a conversation about a topic that can be ignored, overlooked or pushed in a closet and even swept under a rug. More people than we would like to admit to go through and is going through Domestic Violence on a daily basis. Having been a victim, survivor and now a victorious, I have experienced this first hand. We all may have dealt with some form of violence in the home. It doesn't matter if it is a parent child relationship, mistreatment of the elderly. The husband and wife relationship is most known as the face of domestic violence. It can start with something so very small and grow into something that can and will be so devastating to the lives of everyone associated and the families involved. There are a number of levels to domestic violence and ways it's done. So many have literally escaped with their lives and just the clothes on their backs. The childern are scared and damaged from witnessing this behavior in the home. October has been set aside as National Domestic Violence awareness month, this is a 12 month, 365 days a years probelm. It does not matter the dynamics of the family, it can touch every walk of life, every economic status, every race, in this country and around the world. A man or woman can be to abuser, more often than not, it's the man who is the violent one. Let's talk about it.