2 Timothy 2:2 reads, "You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses.  Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others." (NLT)  

Have you ever wanted others to be walking in purpose so bad that you didn't recognize that their intent was show up an drain you?  I have a heart and mind to please God so much so, that I am guilty of that very thing.  Having the knowledge of who I am and what God's originial intent was for my life fueled a fire in me to Empower all that showed up - I was so naive.  Guess what?  I'm awake now and can clearly see that there are some that will show up just to be seen or make the claim of being connected but are not to be trusted or assigned to recieve what has been placed in me.  

During this episode, we will talk about our connections and whether they are God led or flesh led.  Dial in at 323-927-3014 or listen on the internet by clicking this link. You will be Empowered!