We are excited this week to have as our special guest, Prophetess Tonja Thompson.  Tonja Thompson is a registered nurse by trade and missionary by calling. She currently works from home as a nurse educator and travels often with the university. She is the mother of 3 awesome young adult children who share her passion for God and His kingdom and live their lives accordingly. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in nursing and plans to use her newfound skills as the CEO of her nonprofit organization for global missions called Angel's Heart. Tonja is a born again Christian and a forerunner for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her mission in life is to reach as many souls as she can for Christ as she travels abroad giving her testimony of deliverance from a broken life. She loves the Lord with all her heart unashamedly and wants to do her part in the Kingdom of God in helping others get free of life's bondages and shackles. She is an ambassador for Christ.

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