Episode Overview

In this insightful episode, I share my personal and unique journey of health discovery as I uncover my diagnosis with a rare form of diabetes known as MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young). Despite its rarity, this story underscores the importance of individualized care and self-advocacy in navigating the healthcare system.

Key Takeaways Personal Health Journey: I detail my experience from pregnancy complications to discovering my rare diabetes diagnosis. Healthcare System Challenges: Discussing the limitations of standardized healthcare protocols and the importance of personalized care. Persistence in Self-Advocacy: Encouraging listeners to persist in seeking answers and appropriate care when faced with health concerns. Understanding MODY Diabetes: Providing an overview of MODY diabetes, its genetic basis, and the challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Episode Highlights

Early Signs and Pregnancy Complications

Three pregnancies with significant complications due to large babies. Initial misinterpretations of symptoms and health indicators.

The Journey to Diagnosis

Multiple tests and misdiagnoses including PCOS and iron status checks. Persistent high hemoglobin A1C levels despite a healthy lifestyle. Exploration of insulin resistance and the discovery of low fasting insulin levels.

Discovering MODY Diabetes

Genetic testing leading to the diagnosis of MODY 12, a very rare form of diabetes. Challenges in finding appropriate treatment due to the rarity of the condition. The struggle with healthcare providers reluctant to prescribe the suggested medication (glipizide).

Navigating the Healthcare System

The importance of advocating for myself in the healthcare system. The need for personalized care and the limitations of generic treatment protocols. Encouragement to seek second opinions and not settle for inadequate care. Reflective Insights Healthcare Privilege: Acknowledging the advantages I had in navigating the healthcare system due to my background and resources. Encouragement for Listeners: Inspiring listeners to remain steadfast in their health journey and to advocate for themselves, recognizing their own knowledge and experience with their bodies. Empowered Nutrition is now called Thrive! A Nutrition-centric healthcare model that helps you leverage the power of food to optimize your health. Learn how we can help you Thrive: linktr.ee/realnutrition Let Thrive support you with medical weight loss:

At Thrive, we support you on your healing journey by blending our dietitian-led nutrition care with the efficacy of GLP-1 weight loss medications. Our innovative program harnesses the power of personalized nutrition guidance alongside close medical supervision, to optimize your journey towards a healthier weight. Click here to learn more!

When needed, we use compound GLP-1 medication (Semaglutide or Tirzepatide) to help our clients reduce food noise and follow their nutrition plan more successfully. All medical weight loss program participants are thoroughly screened and monitored for safety across their weight loss journey. With or without medication, all weight loss patients work with a compassionate, expert Registered Dietitian for nutrition support. This care protects muscle, reduces side effects, and avoids nutrient deficiencies. It also improves long-term success with weight maintenance. Unlike expensive med spas, our consults for medical weight loss are billed to your healthcare insurance plan. Unlike online/virtual GLP-1 companies, we ensure your safety, both through medical screening/monitoring and by using and FDA-certified safe compounding pharmacy. Unlike with branded GLP-1 medication, compounded medication is not impacted by shortages or delays. With our program, you don’t have to worry about a dangerous disconnect between your weight loss team and the rest of your healthcare team. We also serve as your primary care provider. This way, your care is more complete and safe. Lean for Life is now in the App Store!

Heal your Metabolism with the Lean for Life app: https://empowered-nutrition.ck.page/193bb2cd67

Help yourself feel aligned using our three phase approach: Lean for Life Membership called Heal, Optimize , and Refinewhere you will be empowered to reverse previous metabolic damage with the assistance of our team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Check out more details on our website!

Want to learn more about our one-on-one Empowered Nutrition coaching? Book a free chemistry call to discuss your story and see if we're a good fit.

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