This week’s topic about “forgiveness” was inspired by my friend Sylvia.

She really nailed it … regarding “Organic Forgiveness”, and as a result I sat down to write about the truth of the stages of “forgiveness”, what they produce and how they set us free.

Ranging all the way from Non-forgiveness, to Logical Forgiveness to the higher states of Evolving, Radical and Compassionate Forgiveness … ultimately leading to Organic Forgiveness.

I hope with all my heart that this article will help set you free from abuse and pain … into the freedom of becoming your True Self.

And … I hope you get as much out of soaking in this material, as I do in sharing it with you.

This week’s topic about “forgiveness” was inspired by my friend Sylvia.

She really nailed it … regarding “Organic Forgiveness”, and as a result I sat down to write about the truth of the stages of “forgiveness”, what they produce and how they set us free.

Ranging all the way from Non-forgiveness, to Logical Forgiveness to the higher states of Evolving, Radical and Compassionate Forgiveness … ultimately leading to Organic Forgiveness.

I hope with all my heart that this article will help set you free from abuse and pain … into the freedom of becoming your True Self.

And … I hope you get as much out of soaking in this material, as I do in sharing it with you.

Join the conversation with myself and other Thrivers on the blog here.