This week’s Empowered Love Radio Show is an interview with Sylvia, a regular and wonderful contributor to this Community.

Sylvia’s journey was narcissistic abuse ever since a child, starting with her mother - and then four narcissistic love relationships in a row.

Sylvia had always been able to get up and get on with it, until the last narcissist, who she described as her “big bad wolf”.

Even though Sylvia endured extreme behaviour and terrible abuse, it wasn’t until she discovered details about his sexuality that had been hidden from her, that she finally had the strength to leave and never go back.

Some time later she realised he was a narcissist, and in fact that many significant people in her past were narcissists. This then led Sylvia to extensively research all she could about narcissists, to try to avoid being abused again - yet multiple narcissists continued to come into her life.

Until one day she realised there had to be something much deeper going on - and it had to be something within her ..

That is what led her to my work, and another life, which bears no resemblance to the one she was living.

I hope you thoroughly enjoy this show, which includes some of Sylvia’s incredible ah-ha’s breakthroughs and discoveries, which are truly nothing short of Quantum Leaps.

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