This radio show is one that many of you have been asking for – some conclusive steps regarding how it break free from a narcissist and recover from narcissistic abuse.

I understand how hard it can be when we don’t know how to recover, or even what it is that could help us. There is of course tons of information we can read on the net, and we may be given advice from lots of people, including family and friends.

I felt the same for years, and that is why I am passionate about sharing my breakthrough truly create our best and happiest life – even after feeling broken and devastated and having lost as much as we do when abused by a narcissist.

And … that’s what these 5 steps are about … No Contact all the way through to conscious expansion, as well how to take ourselves firmly off the “narcissistic supply menu.”

I so hope that this radio show helps breaks it down for you from the start of your journey to who you wish to be as your True Self.


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