In honor of Tu B'Av, a day in the Jewish calendar that is auspicious for matchmaking and relationship growth, we present to you this powerful conversation with Rabbi David Fredman.

Rabbi David Fredman is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who combines a unique blend of humor, kindness and insight to calm the most tense interactions that couples go through. Having serviced the community as a Rabbi for over a decade, David knows the ins and outs of love, loss and healing. David uses a blend of approaches including EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy), Gottman, Brent Atkinson’s PET-C, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as well as the PIT (Post Induction Therapy) model developed by Pia Mellody. David is currently licensed in Missouri, New Jersey and Minnesota. He sees clients in person or via telehealth in Missouri and via telehealth only for New Jersey and Minnesota.

In this episode we discuss the pitfalls of relationships and the habits of successful couples. We also discuss how to heal your inner child and what your handwriting may say about you.

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Pick up a copy of Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum's second book, "The Four Elements of Inner Freedom: The Exodus Story as a Model for Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Personal Breakthroughs". You can order a copy on Amazon, in your local Jewish bookstore, or right here: