The time period that we are in now is commonly referred to as "The Three Weeks of Mourning", when we commemorate the destruction of the Holy Temple and Jerusalem on two different occasions in our history. But we can only feel the depth of these weeks if we understand what the Holy Temple represented and feel some connection to it.

In this mini-series, we will explore the secrets of the Holy Temple, what it represented and how we can connect to that in our own spiritual practice today, especially in the domain of prayer. We will explore how the morning prayer is structured to recreate the Temple experience, and how we can all taste the holiness of the Temple if we step up our awareness of the true essence of prayer.

This is the fourth and final episode (for now!). In this episode we go deeper into the four sections of prayer and the main passages and themes of each one and show how they correspond to the four sections of the Temple, the four inner realms and the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire.

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Pick up a copy of Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum's second book, "The Four Elements of Inner Freedom: The Exodus Story as a Model for Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Personal Breakthroughs". You can order a copy on Amazon, in your local Jewish bookstore, or right here: