When your partner gets triggered, what do you do?... 

#1: Do you react back, get defensive, and it triggers an argument?

#2: Or do you lovingly hold space and help them process what came up for them?

Don’t feel guilty if you fell into the first category, as that is where most people fall into. 

We weren’t taught how to recognize and SUPPORT someone while they’re triggered, especially in a romantic relationship. And instead of it bringing healing, they often create arguments and emotional distance. 

In this episode, we cover:

How triggers can be a “good” thing for the relationship The things you DON’T want to say or do when they are triggered The things that you DO want to say or do so that it is more constructive for your relationship

Resources For Your Relationship:

Pre-order our newest book, The Argument Hangover, that hits shelves Feb 23rd, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training)


About Us:

We’re The Freemans, your go-to couple for authentic and actionable relationship advice. Send us your relationship questions for the show with a DM on Instagram. As you listen to the episode, tag us on an IG story and let us know what you loved