Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Relationship Specialist

Empowered By Design Podcast: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Episode 10: Tuning In to Your Body's Language - Nurture the Body,

Nurture Yourself by Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams Series- Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit.  In today’s episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast, Dr. Lyz focuses on the physical experiences of our bodies that communicate important messages for our survival, comfort, joy, balance, and overall wellness. Join Dr. Lyz as she encourages you to tune in to your body, pay close attention to your body, and become aware of the messages that your body is sending.  Your body can do amazing things! Yet, we often criticize or treat our bodies harshly.  Explore some strategies to nurture, care for, celebrate, and love your body so that it can love you back with peace and harmony!


Thank you so much for your support, and a special thanks to those of you who have provided feedback by leaving a review and/or taking our survey!  I truly appreciate your time and energy.  My intention is to continue providing content that is relevant and meaningful to you. I invite you to send me your feedback on the Empowered By Design Podcast by taking a short survey (link below). Tell me your favorite episode (so far!) and any requests for future topics!  If you are finding this podcast helpful and inspiring, I also would be so grateful for you to write a review in order to spread the love and share the power with others who will benefit from tuning in!  ~ Dr. Lyz


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Welcome to the podcast, Empowered By Design with Dr. Lyz!  This podcast is designed to bring you psychological concepts in real life terms that will empower a proactive approach to mental health and overall wellness while inviting balance, harmony, connection, and joy.  Lyz DeBoer Kreider, PhD, a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania and New York, shares her passion for helping you pursue your dreams and goals for life and love with intentional vision.  This podcast is about finding and owning your power right now and using it for good, by nurturing the connection of body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. Empowered By Design Podcast delivers psychological concepts and practical strategies with a real life approach, designed to empower: Health and wellness, Optimal performance, Authentic connection with yourself and others, and purposeful, joyful living.

Dr. Lyz’s Signature Formula: Dream, Design, Deliver

Dream - Reflect, Attend

Design - Create, Plan

Deliver - Align, Evaluate, Celebrate


Download a free guide for using the Dream, Design, Deliver Signature Formula to pursue your dreams with Intentional Vision. And check out Episode 4 for more information on Dr. Lyz’s Dream, Design, Deliver Signature Formula.

Show Notes, Episode 10: Tuning in to your body’s language - Nurture the Body


Thank you to those of you who gave feedback on the Empowered By Design podcast by taking the survey “Celebrate and Evaluate” at DrLyz.com
I’m so thankful for my first review  - read it on Apple Podcasts!! 
I’m grateful for my friend, Meredith, for writing my first review and also sending me an episode of the “Unstuck Podcast” with Shawn Mynar several months ago.
Stress contributes to adverse medical outcomes - Leading physical causes of death (CDC.gov)Heart disease, Cancer, Accidents (unintentional injuries), Chronic lower respiratory diseases, Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)

Reflect on a recent occasion when your body communicated to you.Body stress response messages (increased heart rate, increased energy supplies, sweaty palms, changes in breathing, etc.)
Stress - perceived threats to well-being, perceived inability to handle the demands of the situation or circumstance, perceived lack of resources
Chronic Stress - dangerous and can contribute to adverse health effects (heart attack, cancer, stroke, etc.)

Practice checking in with your body, tune in to the sensations internallyPracticing diaphragmatic breathing on a regular basis can help the process become more automatic so that you utilize the breath to calm your body, and to help calm other aspects of your experience - thoughts, emotions - more easily.

Fight, Flight, Freeze ReactionsEvolutionarily for survival, over time patterns can become reactions to stressors
“Completing the Cycle” - term used by Dr. Emily Nagoski in her book, Come As You Are, to illustrate the importance of bringing the body back to a state of equilibrium, calm after a stressful situation in which the body stress responses have been activated

Tips and Strategies for nurturing the bodyRelease the energy physically - activity, walking, crying, laughing
Demonstrate compassion to and appreciation for your body Attend to something that you love about your body - a feature, in pleasure, something your body has done well for you

Invest time, energy, love in your body from the inside out

Stress In America Survey revealing health concerns for U.S. Residents almost one year after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic.“physical health may be declining due to an inability to cope in healthy ways with the stresses of the pandemic ....This is particularly true of parents, essential workers, young people and people of color.”Unintended weight gain and loss
Increased use of alcohol
Sleep problems

Adopting a Proactive approach to health and wellness is helpful 
Identify 3 things that you will do to nurture your body! (Here are some ideas...please add your own ideas to your list of possibilities!!)Go to the salon, the spa
Get a massage
Fresh Air
Hugging, snuggling
Sexual pleasure
Take a walk
Laugh and smile

Your attitude about your own body can contribute to your level of comfort and connection your relationships with others
Healthy By Design 2021 is coming this spring!  Stay tuned for details and information, get on the email list to be sure that you are receiving updates on events and programming. 


Thank you so much for your support, and a special thanks to those of you who have provided feedback by leaving a review and/or taking our survey!  I truly appreciate your time and energy.  My intention is to continue providing content that is relevant and meaningful to you. I invite you to send me your feedback on the Empowered By Design Podcast by taking a short survey (link below). Tell me your favorite episode (so far!) and any requests for future topics!  If you are finding this podcast helpful and inspiring, I also would be so grateful for you to write a review in order to spread the love and share the power with others who will benefit from tuning in!  ~ Dr. Lyz

Link to Survey