Empowered By Design with Dr. Lyz:  Episode 7 - Recharging your battery: Tips to address Zoom fatigue


Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Relationship Specialist

Empowered By Design Podcast: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Relationships, Mindset, Self-care


When my eye started twitching in the middle of my work day, I knew my body was sending me a message loud and clear!!  Slow down.  Pause, and take a break.  You need to rest.  You have Zoom fatigue!!  In a year where we have seen an astronomical increase in the use of video-conference for communicating - in work, for school, with friends and family - we are also recognizing the reminder to balance! And, we are certainly grateful for the positive aspects of technology in allowing us to connect virtually when physical connection has been limited. In this episode, I discuss signs of fatigue, especially those connected to the increased use of screen-based technology for communication and social connection.  I also outline some helpful tips for inviting balance and focusing on the importance of recharging your battery - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit.

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Welcome to the podcast, Empowered By Design with Dr. Lyz!  This podcast is designed to bring you psychological concepts in real life terms that will empower a proactive approach to mental health and overall wellness while inviting balance, harmony, connection, and joy.  Lyz DeBoer Kreider, PhD, a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania and New York, shares her passion for helping you pursue your dreams and goals for life and love with intentional vision.  This podcast is about finding and owning your power right now and using it for good, by nurturing the connection of body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. Empowered By Design Podcast delivers psychological concepts and practical strategies with a real life approach, designed to empower: Health and wellness, Optimal performance, Authentic connection with yourself and others, and purposeful, joyful living.


“Recharging your battery: Tips to address Zoom fatigue” - Episode 7 Notes:


Use of Video-conferencing has increased exponentially over the previous year during the COVID-19 Pandemic and subsequent requirements for physical distancing in order to protect, promote, and maintain the health and safety of our people and communities.
Benefits of video-conferencing platforms, like Zoom, are numerous.  
We have also experienced adverse effects, potentially connected to the shift from in-person social contact to technology driven social connection.
“Zoom Fatigue” is a common term that represents symptoms of fatigue as a result of increased use of technology (i.e., video-conference) for communication.
Fatigue - defined -Merriam-Webster weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, stress
Temporary loss of power to respond that is induced in a sensory receptor
A state or attitude of indifference or apathy brought on by overexposure (as to a repeated series of similar events or appeals)
The tendency of a material to break under repeated stress [metal]

Stress is a common result of significant life changes, and stress manifests in our thoughts, emotions, actions, relationships.
It is beneficial to proactively manage stress by eliminating unnecessary stress and also recognizing the inevitability of stressful life circumstances.  And then we employ coping strategies to maintain a sense of balance.
Setting limits and boundaries that promote health, wellness, self-care activities, leisure, fun, and joy can be helpful.
“Nonverbal Overload: A Theoretical Argument for the Causes of Zoom Fatigue” by Jeremy N. Bailenson outlines the positive aspects of Zoom and other video-conference modalities.  It also identifies possible causes for “Zoom fatigue” based on previous research and theory:  Excessive amounts of close up eye-gaze; Cognitive load; Increased self evaluation; and Constraints on physical mobility.
Helpful tips for preventing and/or managing Zoom fatigue:Set realistic boundaries for technology use by limiting time spent engaged in unnecessary “face to screen” time
Position your device at a comfortable and realistic distance from your body
Explore screen settings for brightness/tone
Explore comfort with wearing blue light glasses or a protective screen/filter on your device
Increase your fun time away from your device (i.e., play Monopoly!; Have a dance party in your living room!; etc.).
Enlist support from family and friends to help you stay accountable.
Recharge your battery with leisure activity, time alone, time with loved ones.

Dr. Lyz’s Signature Formula: Dream, Design, Deliver

Dream - Reflect, Attend

Design - Create, Plan

Deliver - Align, Evaluate, Celebrate

Download a free guide for using the Dream, Design, Deliver Signature Formula to pursue your dreams with Intentional Vision. And check out Episode 4 for more information on Dr. Lyz’s Dream, Design, Deliver Signature Formula.