This episode identifies the unhealthy aspects of dieting and empowers a holistic approach to pursuing wellness with a growth mindset.

I am joined by registered dietitian, Catherine Grimes, on this week’s episode!  Join us for a refreshing, candid, and encouraging conversation about the unhealthy and dangerous effects of diet culture and “diet for life” mentality.  We discuss our overlapping passion and mission to break the generational cycle of unhealthy food habits.  

Tune in for realistic tips, tools, and strategies to help master your mindset and align your energy with healthy behaviors. Cat and I empower you to feel happy, fulfilled, and confident in your current body. Love yourself right now! Don’t wait!!

Visit the Empowered By Design Podcast episode website for time stamps, resources, links, and more!              

#115 | Season 5, Ep. 16


Is your unhealthy mindset blocking you from Making More Money?! Download my FREE guide to learn some common energetic BLOCKS that might be getting in your way of attracting the money you desire.  *BONUS* - the guide includes tips to shift your energy TODAY so that you will Remove your Energetic Money BLOCKS and Attract the Money FLOW!  (it’s FREE!): 


Episode #115 Show Notes: