Burnout is a BLOCK to success in life, work, and love. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are talking about how to avoid burnout by prioritizing your mental health!

Has the universe ever put you in a time-out?!! Have circumstances (seemingly) beyond your control forced you to slow down, put yourself on pause, and give yourself some TLC??!! That’s burnout!

This episode is for you if you: strive to balance lots of things; are motivated, driven, passionate about life and work and love; and sometimes struggle to balance it all in a peaceful, joyful way. Burnout is a common experience and brings with it negative effects for all of us - personally, relationally, and in business.  I share some startling statistics about the negative effects of burnout. 

In this episode, I share my own message from the universe - delivered to me in a dream -  to SLOW DOWN and rest!!! I’m sharing it with you to help you recognize potential implications in your life.  I encourage you to tune into your own energy and begin brainstorming some action steps you can take to prevent burnout.

Ponder on your reaction and think about the application and implications in your life. I will be back to continue the discussion and share some tips, tools, and strategies to prevent burnout, optimize performance, and feel happy! 

Visit the Empowered By Design Podcast episode website for time stamps, resources, links, and more! https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-113