We speak to Scott Monty, of Scott Monty Strategies, author of the Full Monty newsletter and erstwhile Head of Social Media at Ford Motor Company. We ask Scott the following questions:

Is social media just a myth? Pls tell us about this Gallup study and some of the top line findings
Company-sponsored Facebook pages and Twitter feeds have almost no persuasive power, according to Gallup - but they drive action?
Could this be what’s driving users no new platforms like Snapchat or non-social services like Whatsapp?
If companies want to acquire new customers, what's their best bet?
Social media doesn't exist in a vacuum, and consumers rarely interact with companies through these channels alone; how do we integrate social as one touchpoint part of an overall customer experience?
Consumers are more likely to engage with companies through social media when they believe those companies' intentions are genuine. They look for real people and communities. So how can companies become part of the conversation?
In your experience from Ford and working with other companies, what social media activities did you find giving the best results?
What brands have got this right in your opinion and why?
What will happen over the next 2-3 years in the social and digital space?
What's your very classical word of wisdom?

Article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/myth-social-scott-monty
All show notes: http://linkhumans.com/podcast
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