When Lisa Chartier started the employer branding team at Philips she was flying solo. Over time, she built up a strategic function that now spans the globe. In this chat we learn how she established the capability, justified budgets, hired a team, showed results, negotiated peaks and troughs and what the future holds.

And just because you're wondering; She will let us in on what Philips does nowadays (it's not washing machines or light bulbs).

Lisa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lchartier/

Employer Branding Academy kick-off @ Facebook London, April 17th: https://hubs.ly/H0b6bLH0

Show-notes will be available at https://employerbrandingpodcast.com

Check out the Employer Brand Index: https://employerbrandindex.co

Got questions or feedback? Email: [email protected]

Correction: The book mentioned in the interview, "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" is authored by Susan Jeffers, not Brene Brown.