Websites have been around as long as emails, and have been declared dead as many times. But they still hang in there and any company does need to have one. How do you design and build an effective website for your organisation?

I've had a chat with Keren Lerner of Top Left Design, some of my questions for her:

Why do companies still need websites?
Websites are seen as very static (in comparison to social), how do you drive engagement on a website?
What are some of the common mistakes companies make with their sites?
If someone comes to you with a terrible website, what are the elements you help them sort out?
What should the structure be of a company website?
What about content, should you have a blog section?
How important are domain names?
Should you try your hand at building your own site or use a developer/agency? What are estimated costs?
How should a site interact with social media?
What’s the ROI on a website and how do you measure it?
Technology selection considerations - what’s the best tech?
Where can we learn more about you and Top Left Design?

That and don't miss Keren's poem about finishing off client work at the very end of the episode.

Connect with Top Left Design & Keren Lerner:

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Keren on Twitter:
Keren on LinkedIn:

Our tip of the week is Nuzzel:
Our shout out of the week is Lars Ingerslev of Smarp:

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PARTY TIME: Join us at the Link Humans new office warming party on Thursday 16 June @ 13 Hawley Crescent, Camden Town, London. From 6pm onwards, hope to see you then!

- Jorgen

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