Listen to this episode now to learn how to: Pilot your own side project that both builds experience in areas you want to grow in and benefits your organization Navigate the structure of the development platform GitHub used by developers worldwide  Identify resources available to help you make your next career transition, regardless of your location and professional background

Enjoy full episode notes, discussions, and takeaways at

Additional Resources for your Empjoyment

Complimentary 1-on-1 Tech Career Coaching: I'm offering the complimentary personalized roadmap coaching experience to 15 high-achieving professionals who, despite a track record of success, are struggling to make a transition into tech to develop a personalized path into a non-coding role in a tech company.

Free Empjoyment Community - Come be a part of our supportive and action-oriented community full of career changes who have been in your shoes to help you take another step closer to a successful career in the tech industry.