Going against the status quo alone and following jumping into a completely different phase of your career can be daunting. There are several forces, both internal and external, that introduce doubt and anchor you into continuing down the path most others take.

How do you build the courage, fortitude, and determination to break through the inertia keeping you where you are, so you can live the life and work the job that you've been wanted?

Gabrielle Gabs Ricci shares their approach to answering this through a journey from working temp jobs to landing their first role in tech as an unpaid intern and transforming that into a full-time role. Gabs' has been able to take their creative background and interests, and turn it into a passion for marketing as a Marketplace Analyst in tech.


Get the major takeaways and full episode notes over at: https://empjoyment.com/gabsricci

Listen now to learn how Gabs: Finds support for their career aspirations without being surrounded by others to get them Uses their gut and intuition to guide them through times of change and uncertainty Creates their own job opportunities through action, persistence and grit by doing the work first and looking for ways to simply continue doing it (for money and benefits :D )
From Insight to Action

Your Joyney: Let's share some examples of where you decided to trust your gut in a work setting and the benefits that came along with that decision within the Empjoyment Community (use hashtag #joyney17). 

You are not alone - We understand you and want to help you make this change successfully.

Complimentary 1-on-1 Tech Career Coaching: I'm offering the complimentary personalized roadmap coaching experience to 15 high-achieving professionals who, despite a track record of success, are struggling to make a transition into tech to develop a personalized path into a non-coding role in a tech company.

Apply now at empjoyment.com/coaching to get your challenges handled with a roadmap to help achieve your career goals faster going forward 

Free Empjoyment Community - Come be a part of our supportive and action-oriented community full of career changes who have been in your shoes to help you take another step closer to a successful career in the tech industry.

Join us at Empjoyees.com or text "empjoyment" to 33-444 on your phone to get access! See you in the community!