Imagine that you're working for Nintendo developing games and then the Iphone4 comes out to crush your company. Well, that's what happened to Martijn Boomsma. The Apple App store came and, essentially, killed his business.
In this episode, I interview Martijn Boomsma, CEO and Co-Founder of Lab Rooms.
After years of being an entrepreneur and creating games from the heart, Martijn noticed that as soon as a product team comes into the mix, the creative process somehow leaves. In fact, Martijn noticed that in big corporate settings, the satisfaction level was plummetting. In many ways, Martijn noticed that everyone is playing a role but no one knows who actually wrote the script.
So he created Lab Roms, where innovation comes from within. Martijn's theory is that when people are motivated they will produce great things. Lab Rooms allows companies, brands and teams to rethink the entire process. It empowers the people by restoring their ability to make great decisions.