Is there room for PR in a digital world? Can PR still find a position for brands and entrepreneurs?
After speaking to Samuel Pavin about the other side of the hustle in episode 6, I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn about raising awareness. When I think about international brand positioning and PR, who better to speak to than my colleague Katie Clift. 
I met Katie Clift at Engage Prague in 2018. At the time, I was impressed with her knowledge and understanding of so many issues that relate to PR even in today's digital-first era. 
A Bit About the Guest
With more than a decade of experience in local and international PR, Katie moved from Australia to Athens in 2017. She works with clients around the world covering all industries (from start-ups and entrepreneurs to global construction and manufacturing, health, lifestyle, medical, travel, tourism, agencies, NGO's) specializing in consultancy for international public relations campaigns.
For just one organization alone, Katie led a media and public relations team to achieve more than 8000 feature stories a year in print, broadcast, and online media, including 120 front-page newspaper stories - worth millions of dollars annually.
 Katie is a leading media and public relations commentator throughout Europe and Australia - her editorials are regularly featured in Mumbrella (Australia), PR Week (UK) and Greek Reporter (Greece & Global). 
Katie's ability to execute for so many international brands is only surpassed by her keen knowledge and passion to share it on so many channels to educate the world about PR in a digital sphere. 
On the episode, Katie and I cover:
The 3 Types of Media Working for a Brand (earned, owned, paid)
Data and Experience- Work Together to Generate a Powerful Story
Being Real in Media, PR Needs a Personality  
Art of a Good Media Pitch
Listen closely because there's a lot of great insights and ideas.
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Katie Clift | PR Weekly
Questions for Katie Clift:
In a digital world, is there room for PR? Can a brand position itself from a media perspective with traditional means?
How does data in the digital landscape impact the story or messaging for a brand? Where does data play a role in providing brand experiences?

How can a brand measure the ROI of PR efforts?

Katie Clift's Upcoming Projects
1. Working on speaking engagements
2. Leveraging her international experience to expand the business.

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