We all know that acceptance is key to living your best life with chronic illness. But how can you accept something that has so dramatically changed your life and taken so much from you?

In this episode, I share with you a very special mind shift technique that I normally only share with my clients and take you through a visualisation exercise so that you can begin to change how you see your chronic illness.

It's powerful, positive and life changing. Ready to change how you feel about your chronic illness?

Listen now!

Kerry Jeffery is a Coach, Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist helping clients all around the world to overcome the emotional issues of living with chronic illness.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia along with Hashimoto's, Celiac, Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Type 1 Diabetes.

Find out more about Kerry and her Therapy programs here.

Book your FREE online Discovery Session with Kerry here.

Follow Kerry for daily posts on Facebook here.