Previous Episode: Why Him?

March 11, 2018

Look Up and Live

John 3:14-15


Synopsis: The title of my sermon today is “Look Up and Live.”  I admit it sounds more like a warning to all those who text while driving.  We know better, but…we’ve been bitten by the technology bug and feel the need to be constantly in touch.

      In case you’re wondering, no this is not part of a sermon series on smart phones.  Though maybe it should be.  “Look Up and Live” comes right out of the text of the Lord’s message to Moses.  You see, the Lord knows looking up to Him is the place to begin whenever His people are surrounded by troubles.  The way out of our troubles isn’t found in them.  The way out of our troubles is found in HIM (Exodus 21:4-9).  You see, I believe this story is not just about Moses, the people of Israel in their wilderness wandering and a nest of snakes.  I believe it’s about you and me and the way to the promised land (John 3:14-21).

      How far does one have to go before he or she starts looking in a different direction for help (Psalm 107:17-22)?  What are you waiting on (Ephesians 2:1-10)?


Text: Numbers 21:4-9, NLT; John 3:14-21, ESV; Psalm 107:17-22, NLT; Ephesians 2:1-10, MSG.


Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-3