Previous Episode: Look Up and Live
Next Episode: The Release

Let me invite you to join us as we go back in time and place to hear again the good news as we tell portions of the story of Jesus’ ministry. The first scene on the main stage will feature a setting like the Sermon on the Mount. In this scene you will hear Jesus’ invitation that will be carried throughout the program, “Come follow me.” First the Emmanuel Kid’s Choir will respond to his invitation with song then find acceptance as they join him at the top of the stage. Next you will hear Jesus share portions of the Beatitudes and His teaching concerning prayer. Following the morning offering scene two will focus on a meeting room up in the baptistery area. There you will see and hear from Peter, John, Andrew and Nicodemus as each one shares special insights about life with Jesus. This is also when they will be introducing a brand-new song written by our very own minister of music Dr. Mark Hussung, Come and See. The final scene will feature the Upper Room where Peter shares more of his story and sings Peter’s Song (also written by Mark Hussung). Other Disciples will join him in singing and then Jesus will lead us in the celebration of The Last Supper. We hope all of you will join us as we eat the bread and drink from the cup of The Remembrance.