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June 19, 2016                                                               Father’s Day

VBS Week: Journey Off the Map


All God’s Children

Galatians 3:26


Synopsis: Today we celebrate Father’s Day and mark the beginning of Vacation Bible School.  Starting Monday night our children will be learning lessons for their “Journey Off The Map”. All week we will be paying a lot of attention to the children.  We know who our children are, most of the time, but in VBS we are expecting to have more children during the week.  It will be a lot of fun and we hope to sow the seeds of life in them through the lessons and relationships we will form.  My text is from Galatians 3:26 where Paul was writing to the church that was experiencing a lot of identity problems.  “All of you are God’s children” he writes, “through faith in Christ Jesus.”

      There are some identifying marks of faith, but they are not based on skin color, or sex, or socio-economic conditions.  All God’s children, as the Psalm 42 states it, have a thirst for God.  That thirst brings God’s Children together for worship.


Text (CEV): Galatians 3:23-29; Psalm 42; Matthew 18:20, ESV; Hebrews 10:23-25, NLT; Luke 8:37b-39, NLT


Scripture Reading: Psalm 42:1-2